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a stage work by Naomi Yoeli
In collaboration with the group actors:
Tali Kark, Adi Meirovitch,
Shirley Gal, Ronen Babluki
Music: Yossi Mar Haim
Stage concept: Hadas Ophrat
Translation from Polish & Yidish: Lila Holtzman
Historical research
and prefaces to letters:Uri Yoeli
Costumes: Shirley Gal
Vocal instruction: Michal Oppenheim
Third eye: Marit Ben Israel
Artistic consultation: Ruth Kanner
Premiere: April 2016
It all started with a pile of wet papers written with smeared blue ink, which survived a leak in the water pipes of an apartment in Jerusalem…
It turned out that these were family letters, written for over 7 years – from 1934 until 1941 – and sent from Poland to a family member who emigrated to Palestine.
This body of letters is adapted and performed by Naomi Yoeli, an independent director and performer, and by the actors of the prominent Ruth Kanner Theatre Group.
The performance “reads” the letters, decoding the “between the lines” emotions and yearnings of the family members, while offering more than a glimpse into the private history of one family during a critical period in the “big” history, before and at the beginning of WWII.